

Download Shadowboxer
(crime, drama, thriller)
Download Movie ShadowboxerWhen Rose, a female assassin, is diagnosed with terminal cancer; she decides to carry out one final killing, assisted by lover and also stepson, Mickey.


Cuba Gooding Jr. as Mikey
Helen Mirren as Rose
Vanessa Ferlito as Vicki
Macy Gray as Neisha
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Dr. Don
Mo'Nique as Precious
Stephen Dorff as Clayton Mayfield
Matt Higgins as Eddie
Tom Pasch as Andrew
Ryan Eric Speise as Anthony - Age 3
Ryan Eric Speise as Anthony Age 3
Cullen Flynn Clancy as Anthony - age 7
Marilyn Yoblick as Real Estate Agent
Darnell Williams as Mikey's Father
Marvina Vinique as Mikey's Mother
Lee Daniels

This film was pretentious and mediocre at best. I liked the
Proceedings of Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Helen Mirren, and for a decent job
Vanessa Ferlito (which I found hard to enjoy when she appeared in
3 of the season of "24"). But the direction and cinematography are cloying
And manipulative. There were all these mist diffuse slow motion images
leaf fall and the sun glinting naked bodies and mobile
bed or on the ground. I think that the director is one of many
Contemporary, pedestrian filmmakers whose sole means of representation
Emotion is a close-up of an actor emoting, and whose only means of
shows the intimacy between actors is a sex scene. Eventually, however,
Despite that I admired Gooding performance, we are tired of seeing the
Soft-centered, beefcake photography of naked or semi-naked body.

And the writing rather sucked, too. Not only was this other movie
About ageing, dying murderer questioning their morals and the state
Existence of God, but the film constantly raised
plot points and character of the conflicts that apparently had no interest in.
Gooding What exactly is the relationship with Mirren? Who is the
Gooding? He is more than just a strange, incestuous,
lover / child / child-toy and business associate of Mirren? There are other points that need to explore
too, but the film seems to have no problem
forgetting them, so that I have already forgotten them, too. And
There are other things, too, as elements of the story that
Solely for the sake of narrative convenience. Like the entire character
Desempeñado by Stephen Dorff. I keep waiting for the day we get
- Fed with films that should establish from the outset that his villains are
Irremediablemente evil sadists who deserve some terrible fate that awaits
In the final reel. Daniels, but apparently not seem to be
At that point yet. Another inexplicable narrative convenience is
5-6 years spent in an instant for the child in the film is
Suddenly about 7-8 years old. I think the only reason for this is so
That the child is old enough to use a gun well enough to emerge as the
Filius ex machina at the end of the film. Meanwhile, all other
character, conflict, and the relationship in the film is in suspended animation
while the child gets old enough to be the little button budding
man, eventually becomes.

Guess that's one of my complaints. I think this could have been a better film
(still derivative, but stronger) if it had been allowed Gooding
character to be the main character in the film. But instead of
Revealing his character, Daniels succeeded in making all went to disclose
His face stone, rock-hard biceps, and cut the buttocks. I have not received
Nothing close to a satisfaction of a glimpse of what he did was
That is not the cliché childhood trauma with regard to their hit-man father.
But even if that issue was the anchor in his life, the film does not reveal
Gooding work through it, or even the extent to which it
Affairs him. Apparently, the film that this background pop-psych
is important, as the film ends with the life of Gooding in which echoing
Substitute child, but because I never know what Gooding children
It signified for him, I really do not worry about what they might mean for
Anthony monstrous little has been learned to kill magically and fine

My feeling is that this movie career to be important that each lost
Opportunity to be "significant" (whatever that means) and the Opportunity
just to be entertained. It could have focused on the successful
Whether nature or Mirren Gooding's, but instead it flitted from
Mirren to Dorff Gooding to the doctor and Mo'Nique, etc. I am curious
To see what happens when this film comes out in the world (apparently
June). I can not imagine that it is a great release, but in the art house circuit
compares very unfavourably to films that are better
Directed and written better.
Lee Daniels (Monster's Ball, The Woodsmen) does not seem to know what
View with this script of a story by William Lipz that has so many
Inconsistencies that simply becomes a confusing mix of criminal
Psychology, sociology misfits, and ruminations on the presence of a
Mayor sense at all wild madness that eventually chokes the
Characters. One wonders why these enormously gifted actors like
Helen Mirren and Cuba Gooding, Jr. never accepted roles
if one reads the script beforehand. A cancer

very mature and riddled with Rose (Helen Mirren, we really can fazer A silk purse from a sow's ear!) Is a professional murderer who has raised
Mikey ( Cuba Gooding, Jr.), which he co-murderer, as well as his
Very young lover. The two work well as a team and succeed in making
Starring life for killing people who are assigned by a
Plagada corridor in a wheelchair. But when one of the marks is big time crime
Chief Clayton (Stephen Dorff in his most fond date, eye candy
person) and his wife Vickie (Vanessa Ferlito), all goes well until
Rose is facing the problem that Vickie is pregnant, a fact that seems
Create a sense of guilt and the causes of loss not just to spare his
And also to deliver a son. After calling a doctor corrupt
Dr Don (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and is loving / nurse Precious (Mo'Nique)
To help them out, Rose, Mikey and the new port of mother and child
Kidnapping to educate the child, a lifestyle that allows Mikey
to continue its work while Rose murderer is increasing happiness
Boy. But, of course, bad weather interrupts the flow of Clayton
goodwill, earnings information in the Precious after an adulterous
Tryst office, and is face to face between Clayton and his wife and
And the son of Rose and Mikey. The end defies share, not only because
March that the viewer is watching, but at the borders
strange surreal images that are of questionable taste.

Throughout this history that are confusing flashbacks that
In an attempt to fill the interstices of the fabric: the relationship of Mikey
His father, his first murder, the introduction Rose in crime, etc.
Granted there are some moments of tranquillity and beauty in this whole mess,
But the real reason for sitting through it is always the satisfaction of the
presence of Helen Mirren (who actually makes us think they
absurd character and motivation) and Cuba Gooding, Jr. (who needs
agents of change to get most important and conducive for
Gifts). With so many beautiful stories waiting to be made into a movie
He wondered why drivel as this makes the screen time! Grady Harp

Download Shadowboxer
See also: Crime: Swordfish

See also: Cuba Gooding Jr. in Boat Trip

See also Crime Red Heat

Tags: Download Movie Shadowboxer, Download Film Shadowboxer, Instant Movie Download Shadowboxer, Shadowboxer DivX Download
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